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What happens to a Chrstian when they die?

Monday, January 14, 2013 View Comments Comments (0)
When this life on earth is over, what happens to a Christian?  For some when death is close, they fight it, struggling for life in that final hour.  Then it happens, death, gone from this world.  Some pass peacefully. Though they have left this world, their life is not finished.  Were do Christians go when they die?  Does the Bible give us answers?  Yes!  I want to give you a few verses to help you to understand what we know about life after death as believers in Christ.
Ok. Let's start with one of my favorite passages and examples, "The thief on the cross".  Luke 23:43.  So, Jesus tells this man, who repented in his last breaths, that he will be with Him today in paradise. With Jesus, that day, not in the future.
In 2 Cor. 5:8, Paul writes that to be absent in this fleshly body will result in us being at home "present" with the Lord.
I don't want to give you to much at one time.  Pray and ask God to give you assurance as you read and reread these passages. Jesus tells us a story about two men who die, one goes to hell and the other to Father Abraham in paradise.  Heaven or hell? This appears to have happened at their death. Luke 16:19-31. 
     In Christ love and service,
          Pastor Rufus, "Chaplain 1".